I'll not pollute this blog by posting KRudd's latest round of dishonest rhetoric and sophistry. If you want to read his address to the Lowy Institute made on 6/11/09, then go here: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/the-pms-address-to-the-lowy-institute/story-e6frg6nf-1225795141519
His address makes a couple of things abundantly clear. One of them is that it is clear that he doesn't actually believe in man-made global climate change, and another is that he is quite desperate for the AGW trojan horse to deliver its planned payload, and not because he thinks it is good for the climate or the children of the world, but rather (and only) because he thinks it will be good for his political future and place in history.
The fact his address is riddled with weasel words and phrases and appeals to (unquantified) authority (i.e. "genuine body of evidence") that are typical of those who want to be seen as being in honest support of something they don't actually believe the word of, and who do not wish to tell a direct lie, show that he is really only giving convenient lip-service and that he doesn't actually think for a moment that our children and childrens children are under any threat by mankinds pitiful contributions of CO2 to the atmosphere ... and doesn't he just luuurv the convience "precautionary principle" offers in that regard, too !
Thus, he shows himself to be almost as much a fraud as the ETS he and Wong have cooked up to betray and ruin the country with.
His obvious desperation to see the AGW trojan horse be brought through the city gates before Copenhagen, is delicious.
To build on the gambling theme he chose to repeatedly use in his address, I think he knows everyone knows he's holding a dud hand and is bluffing, but he has put so much of himself into the pot that he might as well see it through, because to abandon his play now would be to lose absolutely, whereas while he continues with the obvious bluff, some miracle may still save him.
A man of great blindness of faith and twisty-turniness of character is our Kevin "to infinity billions and beyond" big spender ...
As this whole thing comes unstuck and the knowledge of the truth continues to grow and spread throughout this nation and the world as to how complicit in utter fraud some of our elected have become in relation to building nation destroying sovereignty robbing policies (and accompanying taxes and laws) around the AGW environmentalist religion, I wonder if we are going to see a repeat of the Oz Governer General vs Gough, and USofA "watergate" type thing.
Hmmmm, no, prolly not. Our current GG is too into herself to ever do what is required in relation to dismissing a PM and government that has betrayed its country and should no longer be in office, and I suspect that the USofA would still be more inclined to make it easy for some nutter with a gun to take care of such business than do the whole impeach thing again.
Actually, speaking of nutters with guns, I couldn't really see the Obamanation delivering the kind of address our desperate "the sky is falling, but I can save you" KRudd just gave.
Well, at least not on USofA soil ... they shoot at the very table those who seek to cheat and defraud, don't they ?
In closing, I'll quote the tiniest bit more of KRudd's sickening address. He mentioned a certain collection of names quite a few times (even Lord Monckton's ... but our Kevvy didn't say anything about the absolutely disgusting draft treaty the UN are pushing. The little Judas probably helped put the draft together anyway ...)
Malcolm, Barnaby, Andrew, Janet – stop gambling with our future. You’ve got to know when to fold ‘em – and for the skeptics, that time has come. The Government I lead will act. - Kevin Rudd, 6/11/09Ooooh, I wonder what new laws our desperate little weasel of a PM is busy cooking up to see the likes of Andrew Bolt and Janet Albrechtsen silenced ? Re-education camps where "arbeit macht frei" ? I don't reckon MSM is going to be in much support of Kevvy for much longer. Interesting recent news is that Rupert Murdoch reckons KRudd "is delusional". You can read about that here: http://www.news.com.au/story/0,27574,26316630-2,00.html
"If Rudd thinks we can set an example for the rest of the world with a cap-and-trade system on greenhouse gas emissions - the ETS - all it would do is push up the cost of living in Australia and the rest of the world will laugh," - Rupert Murdoch 07/11/09How's that for a fair shake of the sauce bottle in the fullness of time, Kev ? You'll be needing that job in the UN by the time all this is over, coz no one is going to want you in Oz. Anyway, you should fit in well over at the UN. They aren't all that big on "due diligence" either. regarDS