Sick of all the fear-mongery being foisted upon us by the Loonie Left and the (mostly) Loonie Left world media and their plans to turn the whole globe into a nanny state ?
Tired of how the moment the weather fails to support the "Cult Of Climate Change" dogmas and orthodoxies, some new scare is quickly broadcast to keep us distracted, compliant, and trusting of the religious fanatics ... ie, every person in a position of power who has jumped on the "AGW"/"manmade global climate change" bandwagon and feeding at the tax-payer supported troughs while they promote The Big Lie ?
Wanna join in on this latest fearfest "Swine Flu" thang in a more satisfying way ?
Then here is the distraction for you.
Get thee to: and enjoy creating some pandemonium of your own upon a virtual globe in this freeby online game !
In one of my first tries, a non-lethal (ie, no symptoms to reveal it too soon) taste of "der spatz brain borer" parasite was delivered to every country on the globe except madagascar within 16 days, and then the entire population (sans madagascar) was infested within 38 days, and then "der spatz brain borer" parasite was cranked up to bring about rapid death via Hypersensitivity, Cysts, Fever, Nausea, Vomiting, Depression, Dementia, and Insanity ... but I dragged that out to last over 120 days to keep it interesting.
A bit like my blogging and forums involvements when you come to think about it ...
Sure, tis prolly a bit on the "bad taste" side of things ... but so too are the constant efforts by "them" (the Loonie Left, et al) to control you by fear , so rather than be offended, why not deem this freeby online escape as being a tool for dealing with (and breaking out of the control of) those irrational fears ?
Anyway, here some poor screen shots of my efforts to achieve what the likes of the WWF wants for the globe and humanity. Really !
Ooops, my turn to foist some fear. Heh.
PS: CLE, I don't know whether to thank you or curse you for making me aware of this game, so to play it safe and cover all options, deem a virtual chocolate bar infected with "DSBB" to have been mailed your way. :)