Wednesday 26 November 2008

Blog Clog and Circumventing Filterers

I've decided to head off the blog clog that has been beginning to form in here as a result of my recent fascination with the funny fanatical folk at whirlpool forums busy worrying about their sacred cow; the internut.
How am I addressing the blog clog ? By creating a secondary blog, that's how.
Just like this one, there is no "sitemeter" nor any kind of tracking to let me know who has been visiting, and just like this one, there is no comment roll nor private messaging enabled.
What you will find at are all the messages I've written at the whirlpool forums, including the ones that various questionable and amusing forms of moderating have tried to remove from public record with lazy/unrelated/slack/and even corrupt excuses such as "trolling", etc.
Click on the labels up at the right on the "derblatz" blog and see exactly what I mean.
Ah, but it is a tough and thankless job being a Mod so it isn't surprising when they favour the majority points of view over the contrary minority view ... tis much easier to keep the peace that way after all. As a pragmatist I can well understand and appreciate that, so no hard feelings, kids ...
As for this blog ... it's back to normal programming should I have anything particularly interesting or particularly banal or particularly offensive to share.
Maybe next week ...