Friday 7 November 2008

anti-internut-censorship brigade at Whirlpool forums censor derspatz :)

G'day there Whirlpool Moderator.

About my sudden, inconsistent, and mysterious arrival to Whirlpool's "sin bin" in relation to my participation in the "ISP Level content filtering" discussion.

Although I disagree with and question just how the judgement of "picking fights" has been determined and strongly object to the application of the unfounded and oft misused and lazy "trolling" descriptor to my valid contrary view that not only has/is being consistently expressed in areas other than just Whirlpool but also is consistent with a view expressed online for decades, I acknowledge receipt of your notification of "sin binning" and accept the application of your filter to forbid further active participation in that thread however subjectively that decision has been arrived at despite however unjust and one sided and uneven-handed I personally feel and observe that penalty to be ... especially considering that I haven't posted the slightest thing that could be deemed "flaming" but rather have tolerated mostly without comment or report a whole load of hostility and insult that has largely been ignored by moderation.

At very least this all serves to prove (at very least to me) a number of the points I've been trying to educate the hysterical masses about anyway, including a demonstration of the hypocrisy at the heart of the topic that has now seen the very kind of attention being complained about metered out to the minority opinion rather than the misguided populist one.
I recognise that you are only doing your thankless task as per the wishes of the weak of character/reasoned thought who are more prone to push the "herring" button than realise and face up to the poverty of their choices let alone be confronted with fair and reasoned challenges to the same, and so I accept that it is probably nothing personal ... and nor should it be.

I do find it quite ironic that that the majority of a vocal minority protesting censorship and filtering should call upon for the censorship and filtering of that which challenges and inconveniences their misguided view, but I don't mind being the example that exposes their hypocrisy for the offensive and inconsistent nonsense that it is.

Thus, this "sin binning" amuses as well as serves to prove the point ... and thanks to the broadness of the internut, shall continue to long after the topic that has spawned this tiny object lesson (and handing over of pound of flesh to the Pharisees unable to handle challenge) has passed and been forgotten.
