Wednesday 13 February 2008

A time to be Sorry and a time to say Sorry.


An opportunity for a whole new beginning for ALL the people of Oz was made available today, this Wednesday February 13th 2008. The day Oz finally and officially said "sorry" to some past mistakes regarding certain governmental policies and general attitudes cultivated by the same in relation to the peoples who were custodians of this vast land before the European arrived.

Here is to hoping that a positive and beneficial outcome for all of us will be the result as we all consider and act upon our mutual obligations to each other and the future generations of this great country!

For those who don't already know, I am adoptee and so I think I can well understand what it is like to be separated from one's natural kith and kin even if it is put one in even a more loving and beneficial environment. I can only imagine what it might be like for a reliquishing parent mind you, although I suspect both reliquishing parents and the reliquished think the same sorts of things upon every birthday of the reliquished, mind you.

That being said, I hope that not only will this official "sorry" that has been said by the government on behalf of Oz's non-aboriginal people be received and accepted wholeheartedly by Oz's aboriginal folk, but also that the offerers of the apology may also know forgiveness in return.

I sincerely hope that a new hope has been well and truly born today and that this time to be sorry and this time to say sorry will help nurture this new hope that it may grow into a time a healing, unity, joy, and the thing that is common to all of that.


May we all learn to properly laugh again and laugh together both with each other and at each other.

Only then will we know that we are truly One Mob, One People !
