Sunday, 18 November 2007

Values Checklist published in "The Weekend Australian"

The following chart was published in "The Weekend Australian" for the weekend of the 17th and 18th of November, the week before the Oz Federal Election.

And here is a follow up document that expands on each of the questions/views and why each party was marked as it was.

What is glaringly clear from the chart published in "The Weekend Australian" and well supported by the followup document, is just how bad and hostile the likes of "The Australian Demoncrats" and "The Greens" are in relation to not only the standard family unit, decency/standard morality, and both the general and spiritual welfare of the majority of Australians, but also how bad and hostile they are towards what are probably the majority views of the entire planet on such things.

Did I say "bad" ? By bad I mean "evil". :-)

It would appear the the Demoncrats and Greens want to have public funded IVF for singles and homosexuals whilst allowing them to change their minds and abort the children at will (again on public coin), give non-elected laywers and judges authority over laws put together by Governments elected by the people for the people in order to lock in "rights" re: IVF, etc, make it harder for families to send their children to schools that teach values which are at odds with their plainly luciferic left wing ideaologies and make it harder for schools they disagree with to discriminate against teaching job applicants who are clearly unsuitable on moral and spiritual grounds, make it easier for one and all to be exposed and inundated with pornography and to continue with a herion addiction (no need for injecting rooms if naltrexone was administered to all addicts anyway), and to "top it off" (and since they are all about killing off the yet to be born who don't actually want to be painfully killed), legalise the "voluntary" killing off of our aged and sick, etc, oh, and get lots of babies gestating so they can be aborted and used for research and cellular spare parts.

The policies, goals and aims of the Oz Demoncrats and The Greens parties are plainly evil, evil, evil, for they stand directly opposed to virtually everything held as typically holy to "The People of the Book" (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) as well as many other religions.

Thus, the Oz Demoncrats and Greens show who they really are working for and whose kingdom they are about trying to establish, and it is quite plain that it isn't a civilisation that wil be known for such things as righteousness, love, charity and the traditional family unit with traditional family values that all through history have proven time and time again to be a major key to the success and prosperity of a people and culture.

No, what the Oz Demoncrats and Greens are about is speeding our nation even faster into ruin and degradation and creating a people to whom the only thing is sacred is their right to do anything they please whenever they please to whomever they please ... particularly when it comes to the unborn or old and infirm.

And the sad thing is that Labor isn't all that different to the Oz Demons n Greens when it comes to the aforementioned concerns.

Please keep that in mind when you go to vote on the 24th of November.
