Wednesday, 28 November 2007

WWJVF ? (Who Would Jesus Vote For ?)

In a political discussion the other day, the line "I know who Jesus would vote for" was tossed into the pot for a bit of fun. You may be surprised, but it wasn't actually me who said it, and nor was it offered as some sort of heavenly endorsement of the Coalition. Far from it.

At the time, I opted not to make mention of the unlikelyness of Jesus to favour political parties that support and promote such things as abortion, homosexuality (and the right for homosexuals to adopt children), stem cell research, public education systems dedicated to teaching much that is far less than the truth, and policies dedicated to the eroding and replacement of tried and true family/traditional values with some sort of "Bill of Rights" that trample responsiblities and righteousness into the ground and then drive back'n'forth over the top a couple of times for good measure.

Instead, I took a more light-hearted approach to how Jesus tackled such things as Public Service bloat by calling a tax-collector away from his appointed task. I could have added that Jesus helped create a new job in the fishing trade by calling Peter away from his boat and nets to fish for souls instead of Sole, but thought better of it considering the potential welfare dependents created out of that job change.

Anyway, this "I know who Jesus would have voted for" line has had me thinking for the last couple of days, so I've decided to explore the idea of "WWJVF" (Who Would Jesus Vote For) in the context of a particularly contentious issue at the moment. That being:

The Unionism/Collectivism of the ALP vs the Individual Work Place Agreements ala AWAs of the Coalition.

Would Jesus vote for a party that favours unionism/collectivism ? Would He join a union ? Or would He vote for a party that promotes individual reward and responsibilites ?

Well, who better to give a view here than Jesus Himself. In Matthew chapter 20, Jesus has the following comparison to make regarding the Kingdom of Heaven and a particular workplace. It follows on from the "Eye of the Needle" parable in chapter 19, and is given in response to Peter's question about what are the rewards for giving up everything to follow God.

"The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out at dawn to hire laborers for his vineyard. After agreeing with them for the usual daily wage, he sent them into his vineyard. Going out about nine o'clock, he saw others standing idle in the marketplace, and he said to them, 'You too go into my vineyard, and I will give you what is just'. So they went off. And he went out again around noon, and around three o'clock, and did likewise.

Going out about five o'clock, he found others standing around, and said to them, 'Why do you stand here idle all day?' They answered, 'Because no one has hired us.' He said to them, 'You too go into my vineyard.'

When it was evening the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, 'Summon the laborers and give them their pay, beginning with the last and ending with the first.'

When those who had started about five o'clock came, each received the usual daily wage. So when the first came, they thought that they would receive more, but each of them also got the usual wage.

And on receiving it they grumbled against the landowner, saying, 'These last ones worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us, who bore the day's burden and the heat.'

He said to one of them in reply, 'My friend, I am not cheating you. Did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage?

Take what is yours and go. What if I wish to give this last one the same as you? Or am I not free to do as I wish with my own money? Are you envious because I am generous?'

Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last."

What have we got here ?
(1) An employer who negotiates one on one with potential employees. AWA 1, Collectivism 0.
(2) Employees who are happy to turn up for what the employer was offering. AWA 2, Collectivism 0.
(3) Other employees who were happy to turn up based on a mere promise of "I will pay you what is just". AWA 3, Collectivism 0.
(4) An employer who was even happy enough to take on employees that no one else seemed to want - why else where they left in the public labour market place all day ? No change in score.
(5) At the end of the working day and the agreed upon wages distributed as per the Individual Work Place Agreements, some employees suddenly thought they should get more than what they had formerly agreed to. That sounds like the kind of attitudes (i.e. greed, envy and jealousy) often associated with certain modern Trade Unions kicked in, thereby showing a common contrast between Collectivism and Individual Workplace agreements. Thus, AWA 4, Collectivism 0.
(6) An employer who calls the employees "my friend" and reminds them that as per the agreement, they were not being cheated. Demonstrating again that Collectivism was in no way a part of these workplace arrangements. AWA 5, Collectivism 0.

Well, based on that, I think I know who Jesus might vote for too ...
It is also interesting to note that Jesus appears to be saying that "The Kingdom of Heaven" is similar to this kind of arrangement. In context, obviously "Eternal Life" is part of the common wage He was referring to - bestowed almost gift like by the employer regardless of the worth or actual efforts of the individual.
Some get it and all they did is merely turn up when asked, whereas others choose to slave their day away for the same reward.
Ah, NOW we are starting to sound like Collectivism ... (smile)


Saturday, 24 November 2007

Woe minority me ... (grin)

Well folks, it looks like I'm going to be the member of a minority for the next three years.

Who wants to be the first to persecute me ?

Before I ramble on, I must say "Well done Mr Howard" and "Congratulations Prime Minister Rudd."

I got more or less what I expected with this Federal Election result as this following message posted elsewhere earlier in the week shows. I also got at least one unexpected bonus.

StartOfQuote (SOQ)
"You voted for all sorts of right wing parties and religious nut jobs; Why did you leave One Nation out?"

Because I didn't vote for extreme right wing parties and religious nut jobs. I voted for what I believe is best for Oz citizens as based upon historical knowledge of "what works" and nearly always so.

"One nation" isn't (best for Oz citizens). Which is why they are down so far on my list, along with the "Socialists" and the "Citizen Electoral Council" (the Larouche mob who hijacked the "Global Warming Hoax" thing on TV the other month) and But Of Course, the "Climate Change Coalition".

"One other question, how on Earth do you honestly think that voting in such a way would lead to "an Oz Government that isn't too much one way or another." ?"

Because despite the majority views of 64% of Oz citizens who claim to be "Christian", coupled with a few more % points of folk of other monotheistic religions, I believe that tall-poppy syndrome among other things is going to see a swing against the Coalition.

A swing that might even be enough to see a change of Government.

In view of that likely swing, I have given my vote to ensure that the pendulum doesn't swing too far the wrong way.

Thus, I'll be happy with either a tiny win for the Coalition or a tiny loss (but preferably a win) but I certainly don't want the Coalition to win by a landslide ... or any other party.

I'm hoping for a balanced and Centrist kind of Government, and all extremists and extremist parties given the public snubbing they deserve.

As per a "politics test" result that you can take here: I am revealed to be near enough to "Centrist".

Which is in fact the result this election has just delivered. A somewhat Centrist Labor government which hasn't won by all that much, leaving things around about to the centre.

The unexpected bonus for me is the fact that the Oz Demoncrats are all but exinct as a party and soon to be no more. Hallelujah.

Now if only the same can be managed for the Evil Extreme Greens then my dreams will have come true. Maybe next election (when the Coalition will probably be returned by the many Oz citizens who will be impatient to correct the mistake they made today), huh ?

Lots of Postal and Early Votes still to be counted so it will be a little while before the dust settles and we get to see what sort of Senate we have now. I expect certain Independents will have a degree of control despite the unfortunate presence of the Evil Extreme Greens.

It appears that Prime Minister Rudd's new cabinet will be up against a hostile Senate until at least the middle of 2008 anyway. I wonder if by then the long knives will have come out to depose Too-Right'n'Nice-To-Be-Labor Prime Minister Rudd for the likes of "That Gillard Woman" or worse.

It was both fascinating and scary to see all the fists being thrust into the air when Prime Minister Rudd made a comment in his acceptance speech about Trade Unions. Yup, I can see the unions soon living up to the "We're coming back" promise, with the more lazy and thuggish of them (both officials and members) soon spoiling things for everyone in Oz, and spoiling Oz in terms of its place in the World Market.

Aside from that, it is like a weight lifted from my shoulders as I realise that I am on a holiday from any kind of blame as to what happens to our country over the next three years.

So THIS is what it is like to be part of a minority !

Wow, I'm surprised more folk don't make such a choice (re: joining a minority). Oh the freedom to be able to merely shrug and say, "Don't blame me, I didn't vote for them" and "You've made your bed, now lay in it" and "Since you weren't prepared to listen, perhaps you will learn by your mistake instead and seek to correct it at first opportunity and never repeat it again." and other such smug and sanctimonious and annoying statements. (grin)

Ah, I think I'm going to enjoy this little break.

I wonder how many days it will be before the first "I told you so" will be warranted, and months before the first corruption type scandal will be making headlines ?


Thursday, 22 November 2007

"Baby Boomers", Natural Climate Change and the Extreme Greens

"... is this why the baby boomers appear to worship greed and don't seem to give a frig about climate change? It's all your problem kids, we won't be around for it."

My response to such a question is:

No, it is more a case of a majority of "baby boomers" having a better upbringing and education and being able to see straight through much of the propaganda regarding the fear campaign in relation to what in fact is natural climate change.

It also follows that the majority of "baby boomers" have also been better equipped to realise that lefty minority groups are prepared to lie about the natural and mostly beneficial process of climate change in insidious attempts to swing undeserved power their way so they can stamp their control and extremist policies upon the rest of the world.

Just like they are always trying to do.

The Greens are the worst kind of political extremists because essentially they lack any tried and true foundation to their morality and thus their policies. They are their own slaves to the subjective morality they choose to live by and unfortunately also fanatically fundamentalist enough to deem such a bankrupt approach to morals and ethics as something EVERYONE should be living by and so campaign and policy build accordingly.

Thus, the likes of The Greens prove themselves to not only be the enemies of humankind but also poisoners of innocence, and thus arguably the very soul of humanity.


Sunday, 18 November 2007

Public Education vs Private Education

"why is it that all the promised education spending seems focused at private schools, and why is that when Howard was on TV at a school it was one of those catholic type private schools?"

My response to such a question ?

Because more and more of the more decent parents are getting sick of teaching and bringing up their kids one way, only to have it totally undermined and poisoned by the atheistic ultra left wing permissive and anti Judaism, Christianity, and Islamic, public school system.

With more and more caring and decent parents opting for private systems, that must also mean that a government elected by the majority of people for the people, must allocate funds according to majority wishes as well as what is best for the nation now, the future and what has proven best for the nation in the past.

While the public education system remains hijacked and an enclave of lefty ideology it will continue to be shunned as parents vote against the system with their wallets.

The sensible thing is to move as much of education as possible into the private sector and create a user pays system that financially contributing parents can have more control than is possible in the lefty pinko social, civil, and cultural disaster public schools that are more of a hindrance than a help to our civilisation and future.

It seems to me that the standard lefty is all about having their minority (and usually selfish) view stamped upon the rest of humanity, always bleating for "rights" rather than actually going out and applying personal responsibility as a way of earning respect, and usually ends up all bitter and twisted as every day they are reminded that the majority is just not interested and nor is ever likely to be.

I would also suggest that the average lefty just hates that fact that most Oz private schools provide a nice shield against typical lefty ideologies sanctioned in state schools.

Parents are voting with their wallets for a less hijackable private system over a plainly failed public system and But Of Course any reasonable "Government for the people by the people" is obliged to further support the former over the latter even if a price to pay is a few more bitter and twisted snarly faced Jo Valentine look-alikes.

What with lefties losing influence left right and centre (respect having never actually ever been gained, let alone lost), it is no small wonder that they have been reduced to choosing a new thing to try and control us all regarding.

The climate.

I'd suggest that most Environtologists and their Church of Environtology would be of lefty ilk, with the handy thing for them and their new religion is that regardless of where climate goes, they will remain reasonably isolated from blame or accountablity.

Unlike than with our failed public education system.

Does that answer the question ?


Values Checklist published in "The Weekend Australian"

The following chart was published in "The Weekend Australian" for the weekend of the 17th and 18th of November, the week before the Oz Federal Election.

And here is a follow up document that expands on each of the questions/views and why each party was marked as it was.

What is glaringly clear from the chart published in "The Weekend Australian" and well supported by the followup document, is just how bad and hostile the likes of "The Australian Demoncrats" and "The Greens" are in relation to not only the standard family unit, decency/standard morality, and both the general and spiritual welfare of the majority of Australians, but also how bad and hostile they are towards what are probably the majority views of the entire planet on such things.

Did I say "bad" ? By bad I mean "evil". :-)

It would appear the the Demoncrats and Greens want to have public funded IVF for singles and homosexuals whilst allowing them to change their minds and abort the children at will (again on public coin), give non-elected laywers and judges authority over laws put together by Governments elected by the people for the people in order to lock in "rights" re: IVF, etc, make it harder for families to send their children to schools that teach values which are at odds with their plainly luciferic left wing ideaologies and make it harder for schools they disagree with to discriminate against teaching job applicants who are clearly unsuitable on moral and spiritual grounds, make it easier for one and all to be exposed and inundated with pornography and to continue with a herion addiction (no need for injecting rooms if naltrexone was administered to all addicts anyway), and to "top it off" (and since they are all about killing off the yet to be born who don't actually want to be painfully killed), legalise the "voluntary" killing off of our aged and sick, etc, oh, and get lots of babies gestating so they can be aborted and used for research and cellular spare parts.

The policies, goals and aims of the Oz Demoncrats and The Greens parties are plainly evil, evil, evil, for they stand directly opposed to virtually everything held as typically holy to "The People of the Book" (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) as well as many other religions.

Thus, the Oz Demoncrats and Greens show who they really are working for and whose kingdom they are about trying to establish, and it is quite plain that it isn't a civilisation that wil be known for such things as righteousness, love, charity and the traditional family unit with traditional family values that all through history have proven time and time again to be a major key to the success and prosperity of a people and culture.

No, what the Oz Demoncrats and Greens are about is speeding our nation even faster into ruin and degradation and creating a people to whom the only thing is sacred is their right to do anything they please whenever they please to whomever they please ... particularly when it comes to the unborn or old and infirm.

And the sad thing is that Labor isn't all that different to the Oz Demons n Greens when it comes to the aforementioned concerns.

Please keep that in mind when you go to vote on the 24th of November.
