SBS television in Oz (Australia) used to regularly screen the "Deep Forest" song/clip called "Sweet Lullaby" as a bit of a filler between foreign news. That was back in around 2000 before SBS went advertisment happy like every other commercial channel. They used to complete the clip with a little graphic of the world and a voice-over that said "The World Is An Amazing Place".
I never managed to catch a complete recording of that clip before they changed the filler to Neil Finn and Yothu Yindi performing in the "Dots on the shell" clip which (although is also very good) never has had the same sort of inpact with me as "Sweet Lullaby".
Thank goodness for Youtube ! At last there are many versions of the Sweet Lullaby clip to be found freely online. is but one version.
Then along came Matt Harding. Who the hell is Matt ? Matt Harding is one cool frood who really knows where his towel is (thank you Douglas Adams), that's who !
If you have not already heard of him, he is someone who not only has brought a whole new level of entertainment to the "Sweet Lullaby" clip, but also someone who has used his travels, that song, and internet facilities to bring a wonderfully positive, entertaining, amusing, and family friendly phenomena to the WWW.
His contributions in this regard are worth promoting, so here is the all important link in that regard, or you can always just go to and search for "where the hell is matt ?" to view his original works as well as the many amusing spin-offs. Enjoy !
See: for the originals, news, and out-takes. Cheers and good on ya Matt !